Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why are socks beautiful?

In the face of devastation, a small group of likeminded people set out of lift the spirits of those affected by the tsunami and earthquake in Japan. With socks streaming in from around the world, Socks for Japan, set out to comfort victims who lost everything.

To date, Socks for Japan has distributed 78,111 pairs of socks. That means 781,110 tiny toes are warmer thanks to the united efforts of sock givers around the world. A seemingly small item, socks, turned out to make a big difference in the saddest of times for tsunami and earthquake victims.

Why socks? In Japan, people remove their shoes when they enter their homes. The day of the tsunami, survivors didn't have time to put on socks as they fled to safety. Heading up the Socks for Japan movement, Jason Kelly writes, "Receiving a new, fresh pair of socks provides a moment of comfort. If those socks arrive with a caring note as well, it’s very heartening for survivors. If you’ve ever been stuck in a pair of wet, cold socks or no socks at all, perhaps you remember how soothing it felt to pull on a warm, dry pair."

Though Socks for Japan has stopped their call for sock donations, we wondered how one might look at socks just a little bit differently? As you slip socks on your feet today or in the days to come, we hope you might do so with a moment to see beautiful and think about how much happiness an item such as socks can bring to someone else.

Why are socks beautiful?
  • They bring smiles to the faces of those in need.
  • They are tiny, practically weightless, yet provide comfort.
  • They are a conduit between strangers that send the message that we care.


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts & helping others see beautiful too!