Saturday, November 19, 2011

Flip Flops Can Be Beautiful

Why we'll never look at flip flops the same...

Where are you seeing beautiful in the "ordinary" today?
Are you looking for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a portion of proceeds from every purchase is donated to charity. This month a portion of all proceeds will be donated to LitWorld). Click HERE.  


  1. This is strange, but and also beautiful....nice to be both.

  2. I had to look closer to see that this really is about a thousand flip flops layered together to make this! Amazing!

  3. amazing! thats what i call inspiration : )

  4. Very cool! I can't wait to show my students how to think outside the box and see that everyday objects can be a beautiful work of art.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts & helping others see beautiful too!