Today we're asking that you pay it forward by just "bee"-ing generous. Why? How? Oh, you're in for a treat. Just keep reading...

The McAtee Family sees beautiful. They live beautiful. They spread beautiful. They are inspiring. They are giving. They are just "bee"-ing generous. In fact, it's their family's mission to "change the world" one pay-it-forward mission at a time and we love it!
Just Bee Generous is a movement to, quite simply and wonderfully, pay-it-forward one kind act at a time. How do they do it? The McAtee Family explains it's a simple three-step process: (1) Choose your "kindness recipient"; (2) Make sure no one's looking; (3) Leave a "gift" and a
Just Bee Generous card behind. And that, our See Beautifuller's is all it takes. On their website you literally find ways to polinate the
Just Bee Generous movement. Buy a
Just Bee Generous (JBG) shirt and in it comes free JBG cards to spread the love. You can request free JBG cards that the McAtee Family will send you and use your creativity to pay-it-forward. We love that they realize the opportunities to just be generous are endless. To this end, they have a wonderful feature on their website of "random acts of generosity ideas" so you'll never run out of ways to spread opportunities for us to see beautiful. And all it takes is "one moment of generosity to show giving is priceless" (McAtee, 2011).
Listen to their description of Just Bee Generous on YouTube.
Just be Generous and Like them on Facebook.
Check out their blog!
View their list of "Random Acts of Generosity".
Order a Just Bee Generous T-shirt or Cards.
Are you looking for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful™ products (and feel good knowing a portion of proceeds from every purchase is donated to charity. This month a portion of all proceeds will be donated to Givology). Click HERE.
They are awesome! I love their idea, with a "bee" of generous, everything is possible.
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful and your blog so glad I found you I'm now your newest follower, if you find a spare minute come and visit me would be wonderful to catch up. Thanks for sharing hope you have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteAlways Wendy