Friday, March 29, 2013

Pay It Forward: Giving to Teachers Part IV

If you've been following See Beautiful for a while, you know that in lieu of selecting a non-profit this month to donate a portion of our product sales to, we're honoring teachers (and their awesomeness!) throughout the month by supporting ways they're creating more beautiful in their classrooms. This is how we're seeing beauty in this moment: In teachers!

This month, See Beautiful will randomly select 10 teachers who have submitted entries with us to receive $100 each to support them in their journey of creating more beautiful learning environments for their students!


Week 1 Winners: Lindsay McCollum (Vienna, Austria) & Sarah Moske (Tennessee, USA)

Week 2 Winners: April Sheivelhud (Georgia, USA) & Carol Olden (Utah, USA)
Week 3 Winners: Alyssa Hadley Dunn (Georgia, USA), Jenni Olsen (Utah, USA), & Kathryn Antman (Georgia, USA)
Week 4 Winners: TBA  

So, each week we will select two teachers from around the world, and make a donation to her/his classroom. On average, teachers spend $400 per year to stock their classrooms with supplies for students, but we personally know hundreds who spend hundreds more than that to create a hands-on, engaging, exciting learning environments for young learners to grow within.  We see so much beautiful in those teachers who work so hard to empower children to create a more beautiful world built upon critical thinking, empowerment, confidence, love and social justice. Thank you teachers. Thank you so, so much.

Here are the submissions from around the world this past week. As you will see, each of the teacher's who entered this opportunity has incredible reflections about how her students see and create more beautiful in the world. It gives us so much hope that such inspiring, giving, committed, loving teachers are making this world a better place with children on a daily basis.
(NOTE: Those teachers who are not selected will be automatically added to next week's random drawing.)

 1. Carmie McChristian (Arkansas, USA)
Carmie writes, "I see beautiful in my students by allowing them to be themselves. If a student isn't able to sit still then allow them to stand, or whatever allows them to be comfortable and learn. By learning their learning styles and what each child likes, I am able to gear my lessons in a way which each student is engaged and actively learning in a fun environment. Beauty comes from being diverse not conforming. I go out of my way to be different and show my students that being different is the way to be and see beautiful."

 2. Janalee Ferreira; Talara, Peru

Janalee writes, "As soon as I read this article, I knew I had to apply... But not for me, for my beautiful students. I am currently working in an English language institute in Talara, Peru. I teach English to both adults and children for five hours a day and I love my job so much solely because of how magical my students are. Talara is quite a poor town on the northern coast of Peru, and I know many students and their family's how save up money for months per a year..." (the rest of her comment was cut off...don't worry, we'll get it though)

3. Carole Felton, Georgia, USA

Carole writes,
"B-Beautiful children
E-Engaged in authentic learning
A-Always eager to please the teacher
U-Unbelievable thirst for knowledge
F-Friendly towards classmates
U-United with education
L-Loves to read nonfiction stories"

4.  Kathy Boccia, Tennessee, USA

Kathy writes, "I see beautiful in my students when they serve as greeters each day, welcoming everyone to school with a warm smile a cheery "Good morning!" .... when they proudly display their creativity in the hallways... when they laugh as they play with each other at recess... when they reverently pray at our weekly Mass... when they offer kind words and a hug to a classmate... when they persevere through the challenges that are placed before them... when they joyfully exclaim "Oh! Now I get it!" ...when they snuggle on pillows in a cozy nook in their classroom quietly reading a book...when they demonstrate how to be a true athlete by winning humbly and losing graciously...when they chose to be role models for the younger children...when they offer their time, talent and treasure to be of service to the community...when they allow themselves to be the ears, hands, words and arms of God. I would use the $100 to stencil inspirational quotes on the walls of our school - leaving a legacy of "beautiful" for all to see!"
5. Maggie Rector, Georgia, USA

The following was submitted on behalf of Maggie (which is beautiful), "This submission is for my first grader's teacher, Maggie Rector. I see a beautiful spirit every time I am around Maggie. She is kind to each of her students everyday and speaks with each one as if they were the most precious gift to her. I love that in every newsletter that comes home, Maggie begins by thanking us for sharing our child with her. As a mother and a teacher educator, it means the world to me to know that my son is with a teacher who truly cares about him as a person first and then as a student. Maggie's genuine love for teaching and learning is contagious and shows up in the eagerness her students show when they go to school. Also, Maggie is getting married this weekend so what a great teacher gift it would be for her to win this prize."

We will use to randomly select 3 winners this week. These three winners will be announced on See Beautiful's Facebook page (at 5 PM EST) and the winners will be contacted immediately via email.
Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a all proceeds are being put toward donations to school teachers throughout the month). Learn more HERE.

1 comment:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts & helping others see beautiful too!