Friday, May 10, 2013

See Beautiful in this Moment and Paying it Forward

A beautiful way to seize seeing beautiful in this moment is doing something beautiful for someone who can't thank you. Here are some incognito ways to pay it forward and help another see beautiful.

"Thanks for joining us for lunch. Your bill is $0.00."

"Here's your dry cleaning. The previous customer covered it."

"No worries, you have 30 more minutes on this parking meter."

"Your toll charge is free. The person in front of you took care of the charge."

Today's Pay It Forward opportunity is easy. Offer something as small as a quarter donation in a stranger's parking meter or pay for the person's lunch behind you in the drive thru. 
Jump on this blog hop and leave a kind word for another. When you lay your head on your pillow this evening think back on the ways you helped others see beautiful. It's like a little gift to put you to sleep - no doubt leaving you dreaming about seeing beautiful.


  1. Oh yea! MOM and I enjoy doing little things like this. It not only leaves someone else see beautiful but the beautiful smiles it creates warms the heart and soul.

  2. Woof! Woof! Absolutely ... mom and I always try to do little Beautiful things everyday. We LOVE when they just simply return a Beautiful SMILE. Happy Seeing Beauty. We are excited on our 1 year This Moment See Beautiful Hop Anniversary next month. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. katherine dutcherMay 10, 2013 at 8:15 AM

    So important to see beauty every day thanks for this hop
    Urban hounds

  4. What a beautiful idea!!! I love it!
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  5. It not only departs someone else see attractive but the attractive smiles it conceives warms the heart and soul.. Challenge


Thank you for sharing your thoughts & helping others see beautiful too!