Friday, January 3, 2014

See Beautiful Woman of the Month: LORI SMITH

See Beautiful Woman of the Month: LORI SMITH
Beautifully created by Lori Smith. Shared with permission.
Lori Smith is beautiful. She radiates it. She creates it (literally, she draws it). She celebrates it. She lives it. Owning beautiful, that's what she does.

Lori's beauty reverberates from her teaching, writing, speaking, drawing, painting, creating, relationships, giving, laughter, love, and presence. Visit Lori's website, and you'll immediately see what we mean. Her beautiful creations (ahem, including OUR incredible See Beautiful t-shirt designs) are capable of moving another to LITERALLY see beautiful. Her art has the ability to move you to think and smile and give and empower. Lori shares her art with others and that willingness to share is a gift that can move us all forward, while nudging us gently to reflect as well.

As a teacher, she creates beautiful in the classroom with young children too.  We know. We've seen her in action. She is an inspiration to so many. Her beauty radiates. She passes on this beauty by sharing it and that's making the world a better place every day.

Lori's presence makes a room brighter. Her ability to be a brilliant listener with thoughtful advice is the type that immediately makes you feel welcomed and valued. What an asset for this world.

Lori is an artist at heart and at life and she's created a beautiful one. What's even more special is that she shares it with the world. It's is a gift for us all. Thank you, Lori. Thank you so much.
The following is written by Lori Smith

Since a young child I have been creative and “artsy”. I always wanted to create my own cards and gifts because I felt like store-bought gifts did an inadequate job of expressing my feelings (and the fact that I was not exactly financially independent may have had something to do with it). I loved school projects that would give me an excuse to pull out my markers, glue, glitter, and interpret what I had learned in my own unique way.  I would beg my mother for different craft kits and art supplies every time we would step into a crafts store and would get sudden urges to create when sitting around the house for too long. I would save bottles, shoe boxes, paper towel rolls and any other “trash” I thought I could use to create something beautiful. I still do that, actually.  I guess I see the potential beauty in those things.
Beautifully created by Lori Smith. Shared with permission.
Whether it is objects, nature, or people, I pride myself with being able to see the beauty around me and art has definitely been a major cause of that. When I paint, I am able to take what I physically see in the world and depict those things/people as I see them in my mind. I am blessed with the ability to not only create beauty, but expose what I believe to be the true beauty that some may not see. I use my paintbrush to not only express myself, but show others the beauty I see in the world; the beauty that’s all around us; we just have to take the time to notice it.
Beautifully created by Lori Smith. Shared with permission.
I love art because there is no single way to create it. There is no right or wrong. What one person may consider a piece of art may not be art to the next person, but that piece is no less art than it was when it was created. People, nature, the world around us are the same. Just because someone does not have the face or body of a Victoria’s Secret model does not mean they are not beautiful and it truly bothers me that advertisements and society have tried to define beauty as looking a certain way, being a certain weight, having certain material things, etc. We were all created individually and each of us is unique. That, alone, makes us beautiful; knowing that I am the only me and you are the only you.

Beautifully created by Lori Smith. Shared with permission.
I hope this message is not only conveyed through my artwork, but in the classroom as well.  Having just graduated from Georgia State University, with a degree in Early Childhood Education, I plan to instill the message of seeing beautiful into the students I will teach. I see beauty in children and hope to help them see the beauty in themselves. I will have a classroom that will empower children and encourage them to construct their own knowledge and definition of what beauty really is, discrediting society’s definition. I definitely plan to incorporate art and allow my students to explore it and create for themselves.
Beautifully created by Lori Smith. Shared with permission.
I see beauty through art and children and by combining the two; I strive to create even more beauty throughout the world.
Beautifully created by Lori Smith. Shared with permission.


  1. Love this art and the person even more. Beautiful choice for Woman of the Month.

  2. Already loved the t-shirt design and her art is absolutely beautiful. Definitely a great choice for See Beautiful Woman of the Month.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts & helping others see beautiful too!