Monday, August 8, 2011

Take Your "Mark", Get Set, Go.

 When The Jubilee Project and Givology collaborated on their "Make Your Mark" campaign, it offered a whole lotta opportunities to see beautiful. How do you make your mark in the world?

We think it's a beautiful conversation for our readers to join. You're invited to fill in the remainder of the sentence below:

If I could leave my mark on the world, I would ___________________________________________.

To learn more about The Jubilee Project, click HERE.
To learn more about Givology, click HERE.
Are you looking for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a portion of proceeds from every purchase is donated to charity. This month a portion of all proceeds will be donated to CARE.). Click HERE


  1. If I could leave my mark on the world, I would do so by protecting the earth, respecting all the creatures who live upon it, and honoring the diversity and dignity of every member of our global family.

  2. If I could leave my mark on the world..... I hope I have already done so, am doing it, and will continue to do so everyday.... in small way. Lots of small ways will prayerfully add up over the years.

  3. ...i would just go on living thinking beautiful. respecting people and nature. loving life : )

  4. I would encourage others to not take a single day for granted.

  5. Thanks so much for linking to our campaign! It'd be great for us to schedule a chat sometime - you have an incredible blog and we'd love to collaborate and link to your site!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts & helping others see beautiful too!