Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Sky Is Falling?

What's your dream? (Take time to reflect.)

What's your dream today? (Take time to reflect.)

What's your goal today? (Take time to reflect.)

What's a simple, yet wonderful, hope for today? (You got it, take time to reflect.)

Now, go live that hope, meet that goal, pursue that dream and see beautiful. Everyday. It's silly not to really. 

Allen H. Neuharth, founder of USA Today and the Freedom Forum, has a lot to teach all of us. Quoted saying, "I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn't fall down," we found the same is true for all. The sky won't fall, Chicken Little. It will stay right where it was.

Happy seeing beautiful. 

                                                                       Source: en.wikipedia.org via Kellie on Pinterest

Are you looking for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a portion of proceeds from every purchase is donated to charity. This month a portion of all proceeds will be donated to Somalia and American Funds for Education or S.A.F.E.). Click HERE.  


  1. Oh, I love it.  I need to say this mantra to myself everyday!  The sky's not going to fall!  It's not going to fall!  Take chances.  It's not going to fall.

  2. I'm gonna have mom write that up and put it in her Bible so she sees it every morning when she reads to me. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great reminder and a beautiful way as always to share it! Everything is possible when you know the sky will stay in place!
    Thanks so much. 

  4. Oh what a great way to remind yourself you can do anything :)

  5.  Thanks, Anna! It's important that we remind ourselves of this. For some reason we really think the world will come crashing down in we pursue our dreams. How refreshing that this will never be the case. Happy seeing beautiful!

  6.  Oh, thank you! Happy to remind you anytime that the sky will stay in place. Go pursue your dreams!
    Happy seeing beautiful!

  7.  Goose, that makes a giant smile spread across our faces! We LOVE that! Happy seeing (and reading) beautiful!

  8.  No falling. You're safe. Go change the world. See beautiful.

  9. Thank you!  You linked this to my post today which was on my fear as God is laying out huge plans for my future!  Loved this!!!

  10.  We thought it was a perfect fit given your post. How serendipitous the two would overlap! Happy seeing beautiful!

  11. Appreciate you sharing.

  12. So true that it's not the end of the world when you fail. Everyone fails at one point or another and you learn from it. 

  13. Beauty always. Everywhere. Everyone.

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