Thursday, November 12, 2015

Seeing Beautiful Requires Striking a Balance

To see beautiful, you must strike a balance in life. Balance is what Floridina taught me. We didn't speak the same language and it might look like I'm writing about physically balancing sticks, but it's so much more than that. Learning to strike a balance in Kayonza, Rwanda with the amazing Fight to Live Women we get to support through the beautiful Kula Project taught me about a greater balance.
Standing on the rocky hills of their coffee farm, these female farmers reminded me that life isn't supposed to be muddied by to-do lists and work demands. Life isn't supposed to be busy and cluttered and filled with material things. Life is supposed to be lived respecting the land and in the moment. Life is best lived when we are fully present and celebrating and seeking the beautiful that is very much there. There are no to-do lists or iphones or instagram accounts to check in Rwanda. There is water to fetch and conversation to be had and food to be grown. There are no "likes" or credit card bills or gas tanks to be filled. There is fresh air and fresh food and laughter from neighbors. A lot can be learned about striking a healthy balance from these beautiful women. You don't have to go to Rwanda to learn it, you just have to get back to your roots and settle in on seeing beautiful in this moment. 

You can be a part of their story of survival and grace and strength and creating beautiful. Read more here:
                       Photo by Bobby Neptune.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts & helping others see beautiful too!