Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Into 2016

As we draw closer to the end of 2015 and reflect on the work we do, there are certainly statistical numbers we can toss around about impact and giving, but the voices of people in this community round out this year in a really special way. Running a business requires thick skin and unwavering perseverance. The mind games that constantly ask you if you're doing enough, or if it's really making a difference, are always waiting to be tagged in. It's the way that this community has defined, embraced, and then grown See Beautiful that constantly has me inspired and in awe. I received the following email from an incredible woman who sees and creates so much beautiful. She shared the following about our work. I share this as a hope that as you close out 2015 and step into 2016 your cup runneth over with seeing and creating beautiful. If we all come together with this focus, the world will become even more stunning with love, kindness, generosity and, naturally, beautiful.

"Wanted to say again just how much your organization means to me, and truthfully to so many of my friends. The See Beautiful bracelets change lives. Who knew that a little band of aluminum with 2 stamped words could make such a huge impact on so many people around the world. My bracelet and my contact with See Beautiful has literally changed my life and I am so grateful... My potential sat there beneath the surface but until you encouraged me...

And I recently had a first, I offered a bracelet to a male friend and he not only happily took it but is wearing it. I thought he might put it in his car or in a spot he could see the words, maybe even straighten the bracelet and use it for a bookmark or something. The guy does not wear jewelry, but he is wearing his bracelet, and amazingly he is beginning for the first time in years to actually see beautiful. He has a long way to go, but he's on his way. Nothing more beautiful than seeing someone begin to find their potential too."

1 comment:

  1. Your mission, who you are and the beautiful impact you are having on the world is truly inspiring. What a beautiful message. Thank you for reminding us to see the beautiful in each day and all it entails.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts & helping others see beautiful too!