Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What Rivers Know...

Are you rushing through the day? Racing out the door? Speeding through intersections? Flying through the hallways? Be like the river. You'll get there. This world won't stop spinning. Stop being hard on yourself and see all the beauty around you. Take that in and you'll appreciate all that you are doing even more. There is no hurry. You'll get there. In the meantime, sit back and see beautiful.
Are you looking for a for a tangible reminder to see beautiful, or know someone who needs one? Check out our See Beautiful products (and feel good knowing a all proceeds are being put toward donations to school teachers throughout the month). Learn more HERE.


  1. Does this include when MOM feeds me dinner? hehhehe

  2. Love the quote and the photo seems to be very familiar. Happy Seeing Beauty. Golden LOVE, Sugar


Thank you for sharing your thoughts & helping others see beautiful too!